Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Jeff the Killer

Creepy Pasta brings you Jeff the Killer! I would post the story on here but I do not want to get in trouble and once I send you off into the world of Creepy Pasta there is no telling what marvelous story you will find! Here is the link to Jeff the Killer:

Please enjoy this scrumptious read! If you haven't figured it out yet I am quite insane. If you're not afraid then please continue on in my dark world. If you are then I suggest you leave before you become my next victim... I mean prey... I mean... Yeah. Scrumptiousness...

The last day of September has come and my wickedness can come out without people noticing too much. Don't need random house and body searches... Unless you are my type then please feel free.

Pinkstylist brings us this wonderful tutorial on how to turn yourself into Jeff the Killer.

Monday, September 28, 2015


I'm sure some if not all of you have watched American Horror Story. Why not dress up as someone from AHS Asylum?

HeavenOnearth brings you a quick tutorial on how to dress up as the White Nun from Asylum.

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Breakfast Only

Note to self: no drinking coffee after 4pm. We become a hyper zombie.

You ever watch Breakfast at Tiffany's? Yeah me neither. But I might if it was all about zombies. This is another wonderful zombie costume that could be for a girl or cross dressing boy. FYI cross dressers and drag queens are awesome.

Michelle Phan brings us another zombie tutorial Breakfast at Zombies!

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Gotta Love Barbie

I had a visit from my cousins today and found out that some of her friends were my viewers. Which is awesome!! But it made me realize that I haven't done a blog post for a Halloween costume for a girl. Well I guess a guy could do this. Hey that would be awesomeness! If you guys actually do this idea please send me pictures!! I will post them on here! Email pics to with the subject titled Halloween Pictures.

Anyway in the spirit of my wonderful Zombieverse here is Zombie Barbie brought to you by Michelle Phan on Youtube. This idea was simply amazing. Can you imagine walking up to a girl on Halloween hoping to get a kiss only for her to try and eat your face off? FYI if you're not willing to dress up as Zombie Barbie maybe you can talk your girlfriend or girl BFF into dressing like this.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015


Zombieverse now has an email address! If you would like to send pictures of your Halloween costume or links to things you find creepy or disturbing please send an email to! Though I warn you if you troll me about my blog I need to warn you.

Halloween is just around the corner and I imagine the body count rises around the month of October!

40 Days Til Halloween!

Yep just 40 days until Halloween and 20 more posts from me! I have been looking about for what I can blog about and I was shown a prank video that I feel would be an amazing Halloween prank. Unless you are a serial killer then this would be wrong. Yes I know I am fixated on serial killers but the idea of giving someone a great idea for killing someone else is appalling! These are my plans! You can't take them!!!

Now for the trick part of Halloween!

Here are the awesome pranks brought to you by DM Pranks! You can find them on YouTube with plenty more pranks. I personally love the convenience store prank.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Rocky Horror

If you don't like Rocky Horror Picture Show then I suggest you stop reading this post!

Rocky Horror turned 40 this year in August and since I love this movie I thought some of you would probably love to dress as Frank N Furter for Halloween! I found a number of amazing videos for his makeup but only one will make it on here. I found this video and this is one of the longer ones but the final product is beautiful.

Now there was one other that really caught my attention and I decided to tell you about it. It was another Frank N Furter makeup tutorial but this one is by deadlystingnyc. So if you didn't like the movie above then I would check out the one from deadlystingnyc.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Haunted Asylums

As part of our Halloween countdown I am bringing you some haunted places. I live in the Indianapolis area and before they tore down the old asylum I thought that if they renovated it they could turn it into a haunted attraction for the Halloween season and a historic museum the rest of the time. Sadly it was torn down and turned into apartment complexes I believe. Do any of you have a haunted house, hospital, or asylum where you live? Do I suggest that you go exploring said abandoned places? No. These places have been in disrepair for several years and could collapse. I do NOT want you to get hurt.

I have watched a few haunted asylum videos and found one that I thought would work for this post. Top5s video 5 Most Haunted Asylums In The World really does explain the pain and horror that people experienced before the asylums were abandoned.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015


I found this video and instantly thought of Pumpkinhead. If you have never heard of Pumpkinhead then I will tell you that it was released in 1988 and this is the quick description from A man conjures up a gigantic vengeance demon called Pumpkinhead to destroy the teenagers who accidentally killed his son. This is a B movie and you may not like it but I happen to love B movies.

Ok this video is brought to you by ellimacs sfx makeup on YouTube. I can tell you that I am now subscribed to her channel. I can say that I have been glued to her channel since I found it. I have found my favorite video but I suggest that you check her out and find the one you like the most.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Who Is Afraid Of Clowns?

There are so many awesome things I want to be for Halloween! How could I ever choose? Anyway here is an awesome video from HOWiBecameTheJoker on YouTube. She has a few more videos on her channel that might be what you're looking for if this isn't it.

You might also want to check out Pinkstylist, Madeyewlook, iwanted2c1video, goldiestarling, Glam&Gore, and KlairedelysArt! This is just naming a few of the many talented artists I follow on YouTube. Will every video I post be from them? No! If I think it is creepy and I like it then I will be putting it on here as part of the Halloween countdown!

Saturday, September 12, 2015

50 Days

I am letting all of you know that I will try posting every other day until Halloween and then so on. After Halloween I am thinking of doing a creepy Thanksgiving countdown. You can definitely be expecting Krampus to make an appearance on here for Christmas.

Anyway I found this awesome video by Glam&Gore. She walks you through the process of making this loveliness. Do you have to stick with a regular face? No! You can use this as part of your own creativeness. Thinking about being Slender Man this year? Give him this creepy mouth! Even a zombie would look awesome with this mouth.

But whatever you go as this year just remember to have fun! Unless you are a serial killer and your kind of fun is killing, don't do it, unless dressed like Mike Myers from Halloween.

Thursday, September 10, 2015


I saw something similar to this on Facebook and thought it was awesome. I have not seen the movie that this character is apparently from. But as the countdown to Halloween continues you will probably see a few more things for costumes but I will also be looking at awesome haunted places. Are you ready for Halloween? Something else, do you read scary stories the closer it gets to Halloween or are you a steady horror reader?

This video was brought to you by Pinkstylist on YouTube. He has many other amazing SFX tutorials!

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Halloween Countdown

The countdown to Halloween has begun. Is this a little premature? Yes but there is only 54 days until Halloween! It is now time to start thinking about what you are going to dress up as or if you are just going to hand out candy in your jammies or horde the candy and pretend not to be home. Now how many of you love Halloween just for the candy? Me? I love the haunted houses.

Personally I think someone should come up with a scary haunted carnival. You know what I am talking about. The ones you read about or see in movies. Not the ones that we normally see. Now I'm not going to lie and say I would go to one what I really want to do is be one of the people dressed up as something scary as shit and scaring the shit out of you.

I have been planning for what I am going to dress as since March. I really want to do my makeup like this and be a zombie. What do you all want to be for Halloween?

This video was brought to you by Madeyewlook on YouTube. She has many other videos that are just as amazing as this one.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

My Theme Song!

So I found this on facebook:

And I took the challenge. I used my Inspiration playlist on YouTube and I got Let Her Go by Passenger. Apparently I will be listening to sad music and swaying to the beat. So the twirling figure with the bat is me... Just move along. Personally I will be listening to Demons and Radioactive by Imagine Dragons on repeat.

The Rules #1-3

Here are the first three rules. Created by Number9Robotic on deviantart.