Sunday, April 26, 2015

Couch Potatoes are the First to Go

Yeah. I said it. Couch potatoes go much more quickly than others, especially if caught out in the open. So Fitbug was kind enough to put together this lovely little poster. So start training now and you'll be able to outrun any zombie that comes your way. Just remember that you'll most likely be carrying 20+ pounds of supplies, plus if you're a parent like me, add in the weight of your child if they are small.

How to go from the couch to running a 5K | MNN - Mother Nature Network

Just Remember

Keep Calm and Kill Zombies poster The by UniqueArtAddiction

Unfortunately this is no longer available on etsy.

In other news I have worked on a couple of my stories. I even have an outline for another zombie story, though I will not be working on it until after I am done with a couple of other stories. I am out and just remember that if caught by zombies and are with someone useless trip them and gleefully run away.